One School, One Topic, One Year
A Schoolwide Conversation enlists your entire school community (faculty and staff, students, parents, administration and board) over the course of a full year to talk about one topic central to your school’s continued growth. The House of Study facilitates and documents every phase of the conversation, guiding your team to develop long-term and short-term initiatives based on the results.
FAQ. If you can’t find your answer here, just contact us.
How does the process get started?
Get in touch with us by email or phone. Make an appointment to discuss your topic, your calendar, and the composition of your stakeholder communities. We’d like to meet you in the trimester before we begin, so plan now for the 2015-2016 school year.
What’s the schedule like?
It depends on the size of your school, when you have your Professional Day, and how you plan to choose your conversation leadership. We can usually draft a provisional schedule after our first meeting.
It sounds like a lot of work.
It is.
What’s the take-away?
Depending on the size of your school:
+ six to twelve primary areas of focus, endorsed by your entire school community,
+ a prioritized list of immediate, short and long term goals,
+ a raw list of several hundred commendations, recommendations and points of interest,
+ increased communication, reflection and awareness schoolwide,
+ a sense of consensus, of having decided the issue by coming together as a community.
What does it cost?
As a non-profit foundation, we charge very low fees for time and talent. Paperwork for your Professional Day will run about $10 per staff member, and you will need to bring one or two of our facilitators to your school from New York about five times during the year.